Felipe Lecaros

CEO - Managing Partner

Felipe Lecaros is an attorney admitted to practice law in both Chile and New York, last city where he practiced for 13 years, until late 2015.

Before founding Atacama Capital Group in 2024 and committing full time to real estate investments, Felipe had an extensive corporate practice, specializing on matters related to large infrastructure projects, mostly in the mining and energy sector.

As Chief Legal Officer of Sigdo Koppers Engineering & Construction, he headed all legal matters of the company in Chile, Peru, Brasil and Colombia.

As a real estate investor, Felipe owns a personal portfolio of single-family and small multifamily and have 140+ commercial multifamily units under management, all across five states.

He also participates actively as General Partner of many commercial real estate projects in the U.S.

Through GrowingAssetz, a community of non-american real estate investors he founded, Felipe coaches foreigneirs to invest in the profitable U.S. Real Estate market.

He and his wife Silvia also own properties in Chile and Italy.